We expect the next issue of the St Helena Connection to be published in February. Apologies for the delay but we are still transitioning to a new editorial team for the publication.
Our next AGM will take place on 18th October 2025. Confirmed speakers: Michael Bennett; Tara Murphy; Peregrine Bryant. More details nearer the time...
We also now have a Facebook page: if you use FB, please follow us!
The Friends of St Helena is a charity founded in March 1988 and has two aims:
To provide information about St Helena, including its history, culture, environment and current affairs and to provide practical support to the St Helenian community.
- In recent years our AGMs have been held in October each year at the Victory Services Club, Marble Arch, London. At the meetings, we invite speakers on a range of subjects relevant to St Helena and we also show films.
- We publish The St Helena Connection, a news magazine twice a year and Wirebird relating to the island's history once a year.
- We also publish social-historical books under our Wirebird imprint which are available at a reduced price to members.
- We have supported local projects such as the development the Museum of St Helena in Jamestown, and we expect soon to engage in a major funding exercise for the proposed St Helena Cultural Centre, both in conjunction with the St Helena Heritage Society.

- Published twice yearly
- Sent free to members
- Published since 2006
- The official news magazine of the Friends of St Helena
- Members have access to an archive of editions online

- Annually available
- Sent free to members
- Published since 1990
- The history journal of Friends of St Helena
- Members have access to an archive of editions online

Books Published by the Society

St Helena Photo Gallery