Our 2024 member meeting will take place on 5th October 2024 at the Victory Club, Marble Arch, London. The featured speakers will be: JOE HOLLINS, talking about his book VET AT THE END OF THE EARTH; and PEREGRINE BRYANT, who will talk on the Commonwealth Heritage Forum. For more details see our 'Next Meeting' page, or download the formal announcement of the meeting.
The meeting fee will be £10.00 which includes room hire, and cup of tea and biscuits . In order for us to arrange catering could you please confirm your attendance by Friday 27 September 2024.
We also now have a Facebook page: if you use FB, please follow us!
The Friends of St Helena is a charity founded in March 1988 and has two aims:
To provide information about St Helena, including its history, culture, environment and current affairs and to provide practical support to the St Helenian community.
- In recent years our AGMs have been held in October each year at the Victory Services Club, Marble Arch, London. At the meetings, we invite speakers on a range of subjects relevant to St Helena and we also show films.
- We publish The St Helena Connection, a news magazine twice a year and Wirebird relating to the island's history once a year.
- We also publish social-historical books under our Wirebird imprint which are available at a reduced price to members.
- We have supported local projects such as the development the Museum of St Helena in Jamestown, and we expect soon to engage in a major funding exercise for the proposed St Helena Cultural Centre, both in conjunction with the St Helena Heritage Society.
- Published twice yearly
- Sent free to members
- Published since 2006
- The official news magazine of the Friends of St Helena
- Members have access to an archive of editions online
- Annually available
- Sent free to members
- Published since 1990
- The history journal of Friends of St Helena
- Members have access to an archive of editions online
Books Published by the Society
St Helena Photo Gallery